Yesterday (Christmas Eve 2012), I spent most of the day using Google Maps and Google Earth to find all of the places that my parents and I have lived. The project is still ongoing. However, I made a lot of progress and learned how better to use the tools that Google gives in this area. I also looked for the special house of my grandparents Hillis and Cora Stallard (both in heaven now). They lived in the mountains in southwestern Virginia northwest of Bristol. I followed Google street level along highway 652 through the mountains back and forth for almost two hours and finally found their home. See the picture of it here:
My grandparents ran a small two-room grocery store which was located on this side of that first building which is a car gargage. The store is no longer there. Their house is up on the hill in the background. I have a lot of good memories of that house. But I have more good memories of my grandparents. They are in heaven today because they had embraced Jesus, the one whom God had sent into the world (His Son) to die for our sins. I will hug their necks again after the resurrection to come.