Next week is the fourth annual Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics held at Baptist Bible Seminary (Sept. 21-22). Our topic is Dispensationalism and the Holy Spirit. I am a little amazed at the paper proposals that came in. Certainly they are from good men and will tackle special issues such as the baptism of the Spirit. However, there were no papers that dealt strictly with the filling of the Spirit and the debates surrounding Ephesians 5:18-21. Furthermore, there were no papers on cessation of the sign gifts. Perhaps we can come at those issues next year or in later meetings. Elliott Johnson told our steering committee last year that dispensationalists used to own the issue of the Holy Spirit. However, it has come to the place of being neglected in many dispensational circles. The council this year is partly designed to address this problem. Those of you who are traditional dispensationalists, please pray for our meetings as we interact with each other on these important issues.
#1 by Mark Rubin on September 22, 2011 - 12:58 PM
Dr. Stallard, I always appreciate the work that goes into the councils. I have to embrace the fact that it was not possible for me to be there this year. However, if there is anyway to access the papers or have them e-mailed, I would appreciate the opportunity to continue learning through the Council format.
Grace and peace,
Mark R.
#2 by Mike Stallard on October 4, 2011 - 7:16 PM
Mark, the papers will eventually be posted on the Council website. We give the presenters time to make adjustments to their papers in light of the discussions we have had. — Dr S